FAQ stands for Frequently Asked Question.
This FAQ section will be ever growing to answer questions regarding the most
common internet related questions regarding your Optus Business Internet
Mail account. Please click on a link below to view the answer to our most
commonly asked questions.
Your Account
1. Are all Optus Business customers eligible for the Internet Mail service?
2. What are usernames and passwords?
3. How do I change my password?
1. What is my email address?
2. What is Webmail?
3. I cannot download email.
4. Sending attachments.
5. Why do I have multiple copies of the same message?
6. How do I create new email addresses?
7. Forwarding E-mails to Optus Mail Accounts from NetAccess Dial and OptusNet Dial-up
8. Email Limits
9. Automatic Blocking
1. What is a virus?
2. How to detect a virus.
3. Removing a virus.
4. More on viruses.
Your Account
1. Are all Optus Business customers eligible for the Internet Mail service?
OBIM is a standalone email service, which can be ordered by all Optus Business customers. Email addresses
are based on either your own business domain name or the Optus default domain name 'optusbiz.com'.

2. What are usernames and passwords?
Your Internet Mail username and password are very important. Your username is used to identify your
particular internet account and your password is the key that authorises access to your account. The only
people who can access your account are those that have both the username and password, so please guard these
details very carefully.
Here are some important points to remember about your username and password:
* Your username forms the first part of your email address. For example, if your username is "jbloggs" then
your email address will be "jbloggs@yourcompany.com.au" if you have your own domain name,
or "jbloggs@yourcompany.optusbiz.com" if you use Optus' domain name.
* Keep your password safe - do not write it down or tell anybody. We
recommend that you change the password to your account at least every three
months for your protection. If you believe that an unauthorised person has
access to your password, we recommend that you change it immediately.
* Optus staff will never call you to "verify a password". If you do
receive a request from someone asking you for your password, refuse the
request and call our Customer Support Representatives immediately.
* Never send the password to your account to anyone by email.
* Help us to help you when you are contacting us for support and have
your account details ready.

3. How do I change my password?
Simply click here to change your password, or navigate your way to the
Change Password page on this web site. This page contains the instruction
to change your password.

1. What is my email address?
Your email address is like your postal address. It allows email messages
addressed to you to find their way to your email account. The email is a
combination of your username and domain name. For example, if your username
is jbloggs and your domain name is yourcompany.com.au, then your email
address is jbloggs@yourcompany.com.au.

2. What is Webmail?
Webmail allows you to check your Optus Business Internet Mail when you're
away from the office. For example, you might be at a customer's office or
even on holidays an you need to check your email.. With Webmail you can
view, receive and reply to your email from any Internet-connected computer
in the world. To use Webmail simply navigate to Webmail at the top of this
page. You will be prompted to enter your username and password, and once you
log-in details are verified by our email server you will be able to view
your email.

3. I cannot download email.
This usually means some of the email settings in your computer are
incorrect. Check to see if your incoming and outgoing mail servers are
mail.optusnet.com.au and that you have correctly entered your username and
password. If you can connect to the internet, try our Webmailservice to
see if you have mail. If you don't then please log a fault with your Optus
fault management contact.

4. Sending attachments.
If you need to send someone more than just a message, such as pictures or
work documents, you can add them to your email as an attachment.
If you are using Outlook Express, click on the button that is called Attach
(and has a picture of a paper clip). A small window will open showing the
folders and files stored on your computer. Select the file that you want to
send with your email and then click the Attach button. The file you want to
attach will then be sent with the email message. When you receive email with
an attachment, a paper clip will appear next to the letter. Double-click the
paper clip then you can view and save the attachment.

5. Why do I have multiple copies of the same message?
Unless your friend sent the same message twice, this should only happen if
you are using Netscape Messenger. Open Netscape and go to the Edit menu.
Select Preferences from the drop-down menu and left-click. Choose Mail
Servers and press Edit on the right hand side. Now choose the POP tab. Put a
tick next to "When deleting a message locally, remove it from the server".
Your problem should be fixed.

6. How do I create new email addresses?
When you first sign-up with Optus Business Internet Mail you receive a
administration email address and password. To activate additional email addresses
go to the Administration link
and log-in by entering your administrator email address and password and then clicking the
Login button.
Please note that only the designated user administrator will be able to
login to this tool. Once you are in the email account administration page,
you can add additional email accounts by following the instructions on the
Once you have created your additional email address(es), you need to
configure the email programs for those people to access their email box(es). Select either the
Windows Setup or Macintosh Setup link at the top of this page for detailed
instructions on configuring your email program.

7. Forwarding E-mails to Optus Mail Accounts from NetAccess Dial and OptusNet Dial-up
Existing Optus customers with NetAccess Dial and OptusNet Dial-up services can forward their OptusNet e-mail
to their OBIM mail accounts. Please ensure not to cancel your NetAccess Dial and OptusNet Dial-up
accounts before OBIM is activated and working and you have completed setting up e-mail forwarding.
Please follow the following procedures to forward your e-mail,
- Log in as the Service Administrator at the OBIM Administration page
- Create new OBIM user accounts if required. You may forward many OptusNet accounts to one OBIM account
or forward them one-to-one.
- Select Email Forwarding and follow the directions to forward one or more OptusNet accounts to an OBIM
account. You will need the OptusNet and OBIM account passwords to do this.

8. Email Limits
Optus Business Internet Mail has the following limits: mailbox size 20MB, maximum email size 5MB (sending and
receiving), and maximum 50 recipients per email.

9. Automatic Blocking
Optus Business Internet Mail is intended for small business purposes and the mail system automatically blocks
excessive use. Usage is calculated on the total of emails sent regardless of the number of email accounts in
use. Consistently sending more than 4,000 emails per day or to large distribution lists (more than 10
recipients) will lead to an increasing chance of your mail account being blocked.

1. What is a virus?
Viruses are computer programs that are designed to reproduce themselves
across systems and cause some type of unwanted action on your computer. Just
like a nasty head cold, viruses need hosts to live in. They attach
themselves to other programs and reproduce while the host program runs. Some
viruses are only pranks, and perform harmless actions like displaying a
screen with a joke message on it. Others can destroy files or wipe your
entire hard drive. One well known, very damaging virus that recently struck
the internet is the "ILOVEYOU" virus.
Your computer can "catch" a virus by two main ways: by downloading or
running an infected file or program from a network such as the internet or,
by inserting an infected disk into your computer.

2. How to detect a virus.
There are only two ways to detect a virus, the first involves using your
virus protection software to detect and then remove the virus from your
machine. The second detection method (which is unfortunately very common),
involves you noticing something strange happening to your computer after the
virus has infected your system.

3. Removing a virus.
Viruses can usually be removed by having up to date anti-virus software
installed on your system. In order to be effective, you need to keep your
anti-virus software up to date with the most recent set of "virus definition
tables". Most anti-virus software programs available have an update feature
which you should use at least once a month to ensure that you are protected
against all known viruses.

4. More on viruses.
A very important thing in regards to viruses is that you regularly update
your virus software. This is to make sure you are protected against all new
release viruses. If you receive an email from an unknown person or
organisation and you know that you have not requested any emails from that
address, it is wise to immediately delete the message so that the chance of
your computer being infected by a virus is minimised.
